Thursday, June 30, 2016


Tarzan Comic Book
Promised to write this blog journal thing once a day and this is the day following my birthday and I've become like one of those pathetic old women, and don't want to say exactly how old I am, especially to the young girls I hang out with, a few who knew my nephew who died around this time last year, I raised him since he was a kid and spent so many hours just sitting there watching him do karate in those places put up, winged out from shopping markets and all the kids are sure to get brown belts in no time, if they pay and they wouldn't be there without paying... Not saying karate for kids is a sham but this pretty much was and my other nephew went to another place down the street, and the guy seemed nice, think he was Russian or something, but the candy he sold in the connected/adjoined "waiting room" was a bit strange, or rather, it was strange that he sold candy at all... Anyhow tonight saw TARZAN and the guilt-driven generation doesn't know they're being force-fed political correctness, so much so it's part of their bloodstream... But who am I? Part of a generation called X that the Boomers, who still write the book of living-life and life-living yet still can't figure out the dying part, couldn't figure out... We grew up with Fonzie and Mork & Mindy and The A-Team and never protested a war in our young-prime so we don't know nothing about anything... That's fine by me... I'm reading now, tonight and have been for a month... Edgar Rice Burroughs lately and tonight is making that time wasted earlier worthwhile... This was a free movie as my mother paid for it... Last night we had a birthday dinner, which followed the family gathering last Saturday... She's good to me, mom, and yet we know each other too well, her and I...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Picture of a Duck
Been listening to jazz, taking to it like a duck to water. It's really where all music began, at least the creative stuff. Classical music, yeah that's God's jazz but the stuff I'm listening to belongs to man, this man, grown, fully grown and too old at this point, just turned 47 today and tonight have a new John Coltrane album on the headphones and will drive, get a drink to go to sleep... chocolate milk not booze... and watch more obscure TV... that's what it's been lately... Just keeping up appearances and don't see anyone really much... Used to go all the time to the movie theater but don't even have the soul in my bones for that trip anymore, about twenty-minutes down the best street in Orange County, called Springdale, makes its way mostly to the beach and sure beats boulevards Beach and Golden West and hope to get some sleep tonight... It's been an on/off thing... Every other night I'll get no sleep and it saddens me deeply, and tortures me too...